1.a. Who are you?

1.b. We are a group of BHS students who decided to get a bit creative with a project.

2.a. Why are there ads here, I thought this is a public school?

2.b. We are indeed a public school, but we are not in any way sponsored by the school. We have to pay our hosting bill and that is where we get the money from.

3.a. Can I donate?

3.b. Absolutely! You can donate here.

4.a. Why are you so serious about the concept of ownership?

4.b. Because if you plagiarize something without giving due credit, you effectively steal. It is not your decision whether someone gets paid or not. If you created something and decided to give it away for free - that is fine. But if you expect to get paid for something and someone steals it, you won't feel particularly good.

5.a. Is there an app?

5.b. No, not yet. If you would like to create one, contact us and we will collaborate.

6.a. I want to contact you. How can I do that?

6.b. You can message us on the forum, some of us have a twitter that we check regularly, and finally, our emails are publicly available and you can use those.

7.a. What's with the "Our Spirit" tab?

7.b. Look the name up in Wikipedia, you will get it ;)

8.a. Why are the updates taking so long sometimes?

8.b. We are also students, just like you. Some of us have very busy lives and can only spend about an hour on building the forum.

9.a. Can I buy school-themed apparel?

9.b. That is on the todo list, but at the moment, this service is not possible through this particular forum.

10.a. Why can't I post anything anywhere except for the anonymous advice page?

10.b. Are you registered on the website? Only members can create threads and replies in places other than the anonymous advice page.

If you still have questions, please do check other informational pages on this forum. If you don't get all of your questions answered, do feel free to contact one of the admins/moderators!